RIME v17 SDK Breaking Changes

This is a guide on how to port your v16-based SDK code to v17 SDK.

Sample Notebooks

Class Name Changes

  • The SDK class names have been renamed to avoid “RIME”.

  from rime_sdk import RIMEClient, RIMEStressTestJob, RIMEProject, RIMEFirewall 
  #v17 improvement
  from rime_sdk import Client, Project, Job, TestRun, Firewall 


  • Authentication errors are thrown when you establish the client as opposed to when you use the client.

  rime_client = RIMEClient(CLUSTER_URL, API_TOKEN)
  project =   rime_client.create_project(name = "", description = "")
  "Unauthenticated API error"
  #v17 improvement
  client = Client(CLUSTER_URL, API_TOKEN)
  "Unauthenticated API error"

Project Class Enhancements

  • Firewall CRUD operations have moved from the client to project class.

  • Ability to list test runs part of a project.

  project =  rime_client.create_project(name = "", description = "")
  rime_client.create_firewall(name = "", bin_size_seconds = "", test_run_id = "", project_id = "")
  firewall = rime_client.get_firewall_for_project(project_id="")
  #v17 improvement
  project =  client.create_project(name = "", description = "")
  project.create_firewall(name = "", bin_size = "", test_run_id = "")
  firewall = project.get_firewall()

Firewall Creation

  • When creating a firewall, you specify the bin size as a string as opposed to bin size in seconds float value.

  rime_client.create_firewall(name = "", bin_size_seconds = "=60*60", test_run_id = "", project_id = "")
  rime_client.create_firewall(name = "", bin_size_seconds = "=60*60*24", test_run_id = "", project_id = "")

  #v17 improvement
  project.create_firewall(name = "", bin_size = "hour", test_run_id = "")
  project.create_firewall(name = "", bin_size = "day", test_run_id = "")

Job and TestRun classes

  • The SDK now has Job and TestRun classes.

  • The Job class is used to track the status of a job that has been kicked off.

  • The TestRun class is used after a job has successfully completed and you want to access the results or the test run.

  stress_job = rime_client.start_stress_test(test_run_config = "", project_id = "")
  stress_job.get_status(verbose = "", wait_until_finish = "")
  #v17 improvement
  job = client.start_stress_test(test_run_config = "", project_id = "")
  job.get_status(verbose = "", wait_until_finish = "")
  test_run = job.get_test_run()

Querying Capabilities

  • Results are queried from the TestRun class as opposed to the Job class.

  • Querying method names have changed.

stress_job = rime_client.start_stress_test(test_run_config = "", project_id = "") 

#v17 improvement
job = rime_client.start_stress_test(test_run_config = "", project_id = "")
test_run = job.get_test_run()