
You have two options regarding where to deploy RIME, deploying to a new Kubernetes cluster (recommended) or deploying to an existing Kuberneter cluster. If you pass in create_eks = false to the RIME module, you must already have a provisioned eks cluster corresponding to cluster_name.

Deploy RIME

  1. Login to your gcloud account with access to the RIME helm charts/terraform module using gcloud auth application-default login

  2. Run helm plugin install and helm plugin update gcs to add the gcs helm plugin

  3. Run helm repo add rime gs://rime-backend-helm-repository to add the rime repository

    1. Run helm repo update to update any rime charts

  4. In your terraform setup, add a file if not already present, config:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    region  = "<region>"
    bucket  = "<bucket-name>"
    key     = "<statefile key>" #ie: "rime/state-main.tfstate"
    encrypt = true
  1. Add a file with the RIME module and configure it according to the values in the terraform values section. Make sure to update version in source. Here is an example setup:

provider "aws" {
   region = "<region>"

module "rime" {
  source = "gcs::<version>/rime-module.tgz"

  cluster_name                = "<cluster_name>"
  create_managed_helm_release = true
  helm_values_output_dir      = "<output dir for helm values file>"
  install_cluster_autoscaler  = true
  install_external_dns        = true
  install_datadog             = true
  install_velero              = true
  k8s_namespaces = [
      namespace = "default"
      primary   = "true"
  resource_name_suffix            = "<suffix>" #string to append to your resources"
  rime_docker_model_testing_image = "<model-testing-image>"
  rime_repository = "gs://rime-backend-helm-repository"
  rime_version    = "<rime-version>"
  s3_authorized_bucket_path_arns = [
  dns_config = {
    create_route53 = false #if you are providing your own dns records, set to false
    rime_domain    = "<domain>"
    acm_domain     = "<acm domain>" #if your acm cert base domain is different from the rime domain

  private_subnet_ids                  = ["private <vpc subnets>"]
  public_subnet_ids                   = ["public <vpc subnets>"]
  create_eks                          = true
  vpc_id                              = "<vpc_id>"
  cluster_version                     = "1.20"
  model_testing_worker_group_min_size = 1
  model_testing_worker_group_max_size = 10
  model_testing_worker_group_instance_types = ["t2.xlarge"] # recommended 16GB node or larger instance if needed
  map_users = [
      userarn  = "arn:aws:iam::<account-number>:user/eng",
      username = "eng",
      groups   = ["system:masters"]
  1. Run terraform init and then terraform apply. This may take a while (up to 30 minutes)

Set Load Balancer ALPN Policy

  1. Find the load balancer used by the rime-kong-proxy with kubectl get svc rime-kong-proxy.

  2. Locate the Load Balancer in your AWS console.

  3. In Listeners section, select TLS: 443 listener and edit the ALPN policy to HTTP2Preferred.

Test your installation

  1. Run aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> then kubectl get pods -n <primary namespace>. Your output should look something like this:

    rime-frontend-cd6c89884-8ljrl               1/1     Running   0          5m26s
  2. Go to rime.<domain> and verify that you are able to access the RIME webapp after logging into okta.

  3. Run the SDK and verify that you are able to run the following code snippets:

  4. rime_client = Client("<domain>", "api-key")
    project = rime_client.create_project("<project name>", "Insert your description")
  5. Go to the webapp and verify that a project was created. If everything succeeded you are ready for testing! See SDK docs to see everything you can do with RIME.


  1. If you get an okta bad request, ensure that the redirect url has been added to your okta app.

  2. If you are getting timeouts in the SDK, ensure that you are connected to VPN.

  3. If the webapp is marked as insecure, verify that you have an ACM SSL/TLS cert for your webapp.

  4. On older operating systems, you may need to run export GRPC_DNS_RESOLVER=native in the shell. Otherwise requests may hang due to ipv4 vs ipv6 issues.


  1. To let RIME backup your DB, set install_velero to true in the above terraform module.

  2. If you are using velero for backups, install the velero cli and verify that our backups are running.

 # Download Velero.
 curl -fsSL -o velero-v1.6.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
 # Unzip.
 tar -xvf velero-v1.6.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
 # Ensure that velero backups are scheduled properly.
 ./velero schedule get -n rime-extras