
The RIME Local Trial installation consists of two parts:

  1. The Docker containers

    • These create the infrastructure necessary to process and display test results.

  2. The Python package

    • This contains the rime-engine command-line interface (CLI) and Python libraries used to run tests on your models and data.


Before beginning, please ensure you have the following:

  • The following system requirements:

    • at least 4 GB RAM

    • at least 12 GB free disk space

    • 3.7 ≤ python ≤ 3.9

    • one of the following package managers

      • pip

      • conda

  • Docker >= 20.10.0

  • Docker Compose >= 1.29.0

  • The rime_trial bundle ( download here )

  • A token.txt file (will be provided by your RI representative)

Install the Docker Containers

Set Up Your Environment

To avoid interfering with your other projects’ dependencies, we will create a new Python virtual environment for RIME.

  1. Download ( link here ) and extract (tar -xzf rime-trial-0.17.5.tar.gz) the rime_trial bundle.

  2. Place the token.txt file inside of rime_trial/.

  3. Step into rime_trial/ — this will be our working directory throughout the installation.

  4. Select a virtual environment manager (currently either pip or Conda) and follow the appropriate instructions below.

    Pip Installation

    1. Create a new python virtual environment.

      python -m venv rime-venv
    2. Activate the virtual environment.

      macOS & Linux

      source rime-venv/bin/activate


    3. Update pip and install required Python packages from trial_requirements.txt.

      pip install --upgrade pip
      pip install -r trial_requirements.txt

    Conda Installation

    1. Create a new conda virtual environment. Replace $PYTHON_VERSION_YOU_WISH_TO_USE with the version of Python that you wish to use (e.g., 3.8).

      conda create --name rime-venv python=$PYTHON_VERSION_YOU_WISH_TO_USE
    2. Activate the virtual environment.

      conda activate rime-venv
    3. Update pip and install required Python packages from trial_requirements.txt.

      pip install --upgrade pip
      pip install -r trial_requirements.txt

Start RIME

NOTE: Running the start command will generate a Robust Intelligence license file and place it in a newly created .robustintelligence folder in your $HOME directory.

  1. Run the rime-helper start command to start the RIME backend and frontend.

    python start
  2. Wait until you see the following message indicating that the backend and frontend have successfully started and that the UI can be viewed at http://localhost:4000.

    RIME is available at http://localhost:4000
  3. (OPTIONAL) If you are running the Docker containers on a remote instance and would like to use port forwarding to view the UI on your local machine, we recommend using SSH tunneling:

    ssh -M -S rime-port-forwarding -fNT -L localhost:4000:localhost:4000 -L localhost:5555:localhost:5555 -L localhost:5001:localhost:5001 -L localhost:5002:localhost:5002 -L localhost:5004:localhost:5004 -L localhost:5012:localhost:5012 user@hostname

    To terminate the session, you can run the following:

    ssh -S rime-port-forwarding -O exit user@hostname


WARNING: The commands below will permanently delete existing RIME test runs.

To stop RIME, run the following. Note that this command will also delete existing RIME test runs.

python stop

To completely remove RIME, you can uninstall.

python uninstall

Install the Python Package

  1. Install the rime Python package.

    pip install -r rime_requirements.txt
  2. Configure environment variables for use in CLI commands:

    macOS & Linux

    export RIME_UPLOAD_URL=localhost:5001
    export RIME_FIREWALL_URL=localhost:5002
    export RIME_DISABLE_TLS=True # Recommended for local uploads only!


    $Env:RIME_UPLOAD_URL = 'localhost:5001'
    $Env:RIME_FIREWALL_URL = 'localhost:5002'
    $Env:RIME_DISABLE_TLS = 'True' # Recommended for local uploads only!

If you run into issues, please refer to our Troubleshooting page for help! Additionally, your RI representative will be happy to assist — feel free to reach out!

Install the RIME NLP Dependencies (Optional)

To use RIME with Natural Language Processing models, additional Python dependencies must be installed.

pip install -r nlp_requirements.txt

Install the RIME CV Dependencies (Optional)

To use RIME with Computer Vision models, additional Python dependencies must be installed.

pip install -r cv_requirements.txt