

Before beginning, please ensure you have the following:

  • The following system requirements:

    • 3.7 ≤ python ≤ 3.9

    • one of the following package managers

      • pip

      • conda

  • The rime_trial bundle ( download here )

  • A token.txt file (will be provided by your RI representative)

Set Up Your Environment

To avoid interfering with your other projects’ dependencies, we will create a new Python virtual environment for RIME.

  1. Download ( link here ) and extract (tar -xzf rime-trial-0.17.5.tar.gz) the rime_trial bundle.

  2. Place the token.txt file inside of rime_trial/.

  3. Step into rime_trial/ — this will be our working directory throughout the installation.

  4. Select a virtual environment manager (currently either pip or Conda) and follow the appropriate instructions below.

    Pip Installation

    1. Create a new python virtual environment.

      python -m venv rime-venv
    2. Activate the virtual environment.

      macOS & Linux

      source rime-venv/bin/activate


    3. Update pip and install required Python packages from trial_requirements.txt.

      pip install --upgrade pip
      pip install -r trial_requirements.txt

    Conda Installation

    1. Create a new conda virtual environment. Replace $PYTHON_VERSION_YOU_WISH_TO_USE with the version of Python that you wish to use (e.g., 3.8).

      conda create --name rime-venv python=$PYTHON_VERSION_YOU_WISH_TO_USE
    2. Activate the virtual environment.

      conda activate rime-venv
    3. Update pip and install required Python packages from trial_requirements.txt.

      pip install --upgrade pip
      pip install -r trial_requirements.txt

Generate Requirements Files and Install

  1. Generate the requirements files.

    python generate-rime-requirements
  2. Register your product license.

    python update-license
  3. Install the RIME Python package.

    pip install -r rime_requirements.txt

Install the RIME NLP Dependencies (Optional)

To use RIME for stress testing NLP models, additional Python dependencies must be installed.

pip install -r nlp_requirements.txt

Install the RIME CV Dependencies (Optional)

To use RIME for stress testing Computer Vision models, additional Python dependencies must be installed.

pip install -r cv_requirements.txt