RIME Model Performance

Utilities related to model performance improvement.

rime.tabular.performance.get_biggest_errors(df: DataFrame, model: TabularBlackBoxModel, labels: Series, n: int = 100, decision_threshold: float = 0.5, preds: Optional[ndarray] = None) List[Series]

Return the biggest errors.

  • df – dataframe to make predictions over.

  • model – model to use to make predictions.

  • labels – labels for data.

  • n – number of worst datapoints to return.

  • decision_threshold – decision threshold of the model. Only relevant for

  • classification. (binary) –

  • preds – predictions produced by the model. If specified, will use these predictions instead of calling the model. Defaults to None.


A list of sorted Pandas series for largest errors. There are currently 3 situations: 1) Binary classification: Returns a list [x, y] where x is the false positives sorted by worst false positive rate and y is the false negatives sorted by worst false negative rate. 2) Multi-class classification case returns: [a] where a is the data sorted by cross entropy loss. 3) Regression case returns: [b] where b is the data sorted by L1 loss.

rime.tabular.performance.preprocess_df(df: DataFrame, columns_to_ignore: Optional[List[str]] = None, impute_nulls: bool = True) DataFrame

Preprocess dataframe.

Functionality includes:
  • Mapping categorical values to numeric based on value_counts

  • Impute nulls based on a reasonable strategy (detect if numeric or obj)

  • df – dataframe to be preprocessed.

  • columns_to_ignore – These columns will be ignored and not preprocessed. If None will not ignore any columns. Defaults to None.


A preprocessed dataframe.

rime.tabular.performance.single_model_active_learning(df: DataFrame, model: TabularBlackBoxModel, n: int, uncertainty_overweight: int = 1, decision_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5, seed: Optional[int] = 0, preds: Optional[ndarray] = None) ndarray

Select points to label by looking at a single model.

Selects points weighted on how uncertain the model is about them.

  • df – dataframe of points to consider sampling.

  • model – current iteration of model.

  • n – number of datapoints to sample.

  • uncertainty_overweight – factor to scale up probability of sampling points the model is uncertain about. Defaults to 1 (standard overweight).

  • decision_threshold – decision threshold of the model. Defaults to .5.

  • seed – Used to seed for any randomness. If set to None, then seed is not specified. Defaults to 0.

  • preds – predictions produced by the model. If specified, will use these predictions instead of calling the model. Defaults to None.


Indices of points to label.

rime.tabular.performance.two_model_active_learning(df: DataFrame, model1: TabularBlackBoxModel, model2: TabularBlackBoxModel, n: int, disagreement_overweight: int = 1, uncertainty_overweight: int = 1, decision_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5, seed: Optional[int] = 0, preds1: Optional[ndarray] = None, preds2: Optional[ndarray] = None) ndarray

Select points to label based on looking at two models.

Selects points based on a combination of how uncertain the models are about them and how much the models disagree about them.

  • df – dataframe of points to consider sampling.

  • model1 – an iteration of the model.

  • model2 – a separate iteration of the model.

  • n – number of datapoints to sample.

  • disagreement_overweight – factor to scale up probability of sampling points the models disagree on about. Defaults to 1 (standard overweight).

  • uncertainty_overweight – factor to scale up probability of sampling points the models are uncertain about. Defaults to 1 (standard overweight).

  • decision_threshold – decision threshold of the models. Defaults to .5. Only used in binary classification setting.

  • seed – Used to seed for any randomness. If set to None, then seed is not specified. Defaults to 0.

  • preds1 – predictions produced by the first model. If specified, will use these predictions instead of calling the model. Defaults to None.

  • preds2 – predictions produced by the second model. If specified, will use these predictions instead of calling the model. Defaults to None.


Indices of points to label.