User Management

RIME Cloud now has a concept of users. Note: User roles is not yet supported for SSO user authentication.

RIME has 3 kinds of users -

Admin User

  • Each RIME Cloud organization can have multiple admin user.

  • Admins can invite other users within their organization to their RIME workspace from the “Members” page under “Workspace Settings”. See the below image.

  • The admin will need to manually create the account details for these standard users. The admin can manage the user’s account access.

  • The admin has the ability to create and delete API Access tokens for RIME APIs.

Standard User

  • Standard users need to get their account details from their organization admin.

  • Standard users have the same permissions as admins, except for 3 scenarios -

    • Standard users do not have access to the members page and account management.

    • Standard users can create API tokens but not delete API tokens.

    • Standard users cannot configure SSO or SMTP settings.

Support User

  • Admin users can create support accounts for the Robust Intelligence team to help with troubleshoot and guidance on how to use RIME.

  • Admin users need to provide support account details to the Robust Intelligence team.

  • After the support user is created, they have the same permissions as admins.

  • Admin users can delete the support user to revoke access.