Debugging the RIME Python Package

  1. I’m seeing “Missing option” errors with my rime-engine CLI commands! How do I resolve them?

    rime-engine run-stress-tests --config-path examples/income/stress_tests_model.json
    Error: Missing option '--upload-endpoint'.

    The commands in the RIME CLI How-To Guides use environment variables to keep the commands short and readable.

    Be sure to set these up in your terminal session before running any commands:


    NOTE: Disabling TLS is recommended for local uploads only!

    export RIME_UPLOAD_URL=localhost:5001
    export RIME_FIREWALL_URL=localhost:5002
    export RIME_DISABLE_TLS=True


    Be sure to replace <YOUR_ORG_NAME> and <YOUR_API_KEY with the specific values for your RIME Cloud instance!


    Alternatively, missing options can be provided in the command itself, as flags (e.g., --upload-endpoint below):

    rime-engine run-stress-tests --config-path examples/income/stress_tests_model.json --upload-endpoint <YOUR_UPLOAD_ENDPOINT>

    Mappings of environment variables to their option names can be found by running --help for the chosen command:

    rime-engine run-stress-tests --help
  2. I’m seeing ModuleNotFound errors in the console. How do I resolve them?

    These errors likely result from not having the extras installed for your use case.

    Make sure you are inside of the rime_trial/ directory using your rime-venv virtual environment before proceeding.

    (If not already run during installation) Run the following to generate the necessary requirements lists:

    python generate-rime-requirements --token-file $PATH_TO_TOKEN_TXT_FILE

    For Natural Language Processing (NLP) use cases (i.e., text data):

    pip install -r nlp_requirements.txt

    For Computer Vision (CV) use cases (i.e., image data):

    pip install -r cv_requirements.txt
  3. I’m seeing grpc.FutureTimeoutError(s) when trying to upload stress tests. How do I resolve them?

    This error can be due to DNS resolution across operating systems and protocols (IPv4 vs. IPv6).

    If that is the case, running the following in your terminal session can resolve the issue:

    export GRPC_DNS_RESOLVER=native

    Otherwise, make sure your machine has access to the endpoint(s) in question (e.g., by enabling VPN).