The RIME CLI can be run as follows:

rime-engine [COMMAND] [ARGUMENTS]


For an up-to-date list of available commands, run --help:

rime-engine --help

The valid types of commands are:

  • create-firewall: Create a firewall.

  • run-firewall: Run firewall on a batch of tabular data.

  • run-firewall-images: Run firewall on a batch of Image data.

  • run-firewall-images-trial: Run stress testing, create a firewall and then run the firewall on a batch of images data.

  • run-firewall-nlp: Run firewall on a batch of NLP data.

  • run-firewall-nlp-trial: Run stress testing, create a firewall and then run the firewall on a batch of NLP data.

  • run-firewall-trial: Run stress testing, create a firewall and then run the firewall on a batch of images data.

  • run-firewall-trial-local: Run stress testing, create a firewall and then run the firewall on a batch of images data. Save results locally.

  • run-images: Run RIME on image data

  • run-images-local: Run RIME on image data and save to local file system

  • run-nlp: Run RIME on NLP data

  • run-nlp-local: Run RIME on NLP data and save to local file system

  • run-stress-tests: Run RIME offline tests on tabular data

  • run-stress-tests-local: Run RIME offline tests on tabular data and save to local file system

  • upload: Upload Results

  • upload-firewall-trial: Upload results from run-firewall-trial-local


Different commands require different arguments.

The main arguments for most of these commands are:

  • --config-path: Path to configuration

  • --upload-endpoint: Endpoint to which results will be uploaded. [env var: RIME_UPLOAD_URL]

    • --disable-tls (optional): Whether to disable TLS encryption, which is enabled by default. Disabling TLS is recommended for local uploads. [env var: RIME_DISABLE_TLS]

  • --api-key: The api key providing authentication to RIME service. Required for external uploads. [env var: RIME_API_KEY]

  • --save-path (optional): Path to save the results to. This will store the results locally as well as upload them to the specified endpoint

  • --run-name (optional): Name of the Test Run. Overrides the Test Run Name in the configuration

  • --firewall-endpoint: Endpoint for interacting with the firewall [env var: RIME_FIREWALL_URL]

  • --disable-firewall-events: Disable processing events at a datapoint level when running firewall over a batch of data.

For an up-to-date list of available arguments for a given command, run --help with the command name:

rime-engine [COMMAND] --help

For stress testing only (run-stress-tests, run-nlp, and run-images):

  • --project-id (optional): ID of the project the run should be added to

For firewall only (run-firewall, run-firewall-nlp, and run-firewall-images):

  • --firewall-id: ID of the firewall testing instance the run should be added to