Tabular AI Firewall Continuous Tests Trial

To give you a sense of the capabilities of Firewall Continuous Tests without making you upload multiple datasets, we’ve created a trial-specific command that will allow you to simulate firewall continuous tests in one go. Configuration of RIME AI Firewall Continuous Tests Trial is done through a JSON configuration file that you pass as an argument to the RIME CLI.


  "run_name": "Run Name",                       (REQUIRED)
  "data_info": {...},                           (REQUIRED)
  "continuous_info": {
    "timestamp_col": ...,                       (REQUIRED)
    "bin_size": ...,                            (REQUIRED)
  "model_task": "Binary Classification",
  "tests_config_path": "path/to/tests/config"


  • run_name: string, required

    The name under which your run will appear in the UI.

  • data_info: DataInfo, required

    Configuration for the datasources to use. For a reference on how to configure a datasource, see Data Configuration.

  • continuous_info: ContinuousInfo, required

    • timestamp_col: string, required

      Name of column in data that corresponds to timestamps. The timestamp should be specified as “YYYY-MM-DD” if it is a date or “”YYYY-MM-DD HH:TT:SS” if it is a date and time where YYYY is the year as a four digit number, MM is the month as a two digit number, DD is the day as a two digit number, HH is the hour as a two digit number, TT is the minute as a two digit number and SS is the second as a two digit number.

    • bin_size: string, required

      The bin size for each firewall continuous tests run. Current accepted values are "day" and "hour".

  • model_task: string, default = "Binary Classification"

    Specification of the model task. Current accepted values are "Binary   Classification", "Multi-class Classification", "Regression", and "Ranking".

  • tests_config_path: string or null, default = null

    Path to a TestSuiteConfig JSON file. If path is null RIME will use the default TestSuiteConfig().