RIME Cloud Installation

The cloud installation consists of two parts:

  1. The Web Client

    • No installation needed — your RI representative will provide your access details.

  2. The Python SDK

    • This is a programmatic interface to the managed K8s cluster.

Access the Web Client

Your RIME web client will be made available at a URL with the following form: https://rime.<YOUR_ORG_NAME>.rime.dev/

Admin User Setup

Initially, a team member from your organization will be designated as the admin user for their RIME cluster.

This user will receive an email from Robust Intelligence with steps for setting up their account.

Adding Other Members

Once the admin user’s account is configured, they will be able to grant access to other users via the Workspace Settings.

More detailed instructions can be found in the User Management Guide.

An admin can also set up SSO to use an external Identity Provider. More detailed instructions for configuration can be found in the SSO Configuration Guide

Users can login via basic authN service or SSO. Admin operations need to be performed via basic authN login.

Install the Python SDK

Cloud installations utilize the RIME Python SDK for programmatic integration with your existing ML pipeline!

Installation is simple:

pip install rime-sdk

Create an API Token

An API token is needed to access the Python SDK. These can be created in the web client via the Workspace Settings.

More detailed instructions can be found in the API Authentication Guide.

Test Connection

Run the code snippet below to test your SDK connection:

from rime_sdk import Client

rime_client = Client("rime.<YOUR_ORG_NAME>.rime.dev", "<RIME_API_TOKEN>")

If there are no errors, that means you are ready to kickoff some tests!