Debugging the Python SDK

Troubleshooting RIME Stress Tests

When running a suite of stress tests on arbitrary models and datasets on a custom image, things can go wrong. The RIME SDK has tools available to help you debug your stress test jobs. This document includes a few common failure scenarios and recommended debugging techniques.

Lost Job Object

If you close your Python notebook or scripting session, you will lose access to the ephemeral in-memory objects such as Job. To recover these objects, connect the client to the same backend service.

rime_client = Client("", api_key="api-key")

Then, use rime_client.list_stress_test_jobs() to query the server for a list of jobs from the past two days. You can filter by status and project ID to reduce the volume of jobs returned. Then, you can call get_status() on each job to find which job is yours. The return value from get_status() includes the start time and status of the job which should help you identify which job you started.

jobs = rime_client.list_stress_test_jobs(status_filters= ['succeeded', 'failed'], project_id="bar")
# Print out the metadata for each job to see which one you started most recently.
for job in jobs:

Test Run Results Don’t Show Up in UI

This indicates that the Job executing the suite of stress tests failed along the way. There are a number of reasons why this would happen. Here are a few:

  • Misspecified test_run_config, dataset, or model.

  • Resource limits exceeded.

  • Managed image doesn’t include the model’s required dependencies.

  • SDK version doesn’t match the version of the cluster. The best place to start is the get_status() of the Job object. If the job status is 'FAILING' and the verbose flag is set to True, get_status() will dump the logs to stdout. For configuration issues, this can be very helpful.

# Assume the job is 'FAILING'
status = job.get_status(verbose=True, wait_until_finish=True)
# This will dump the logs if there any to stdout.

Looking at the logs can help solve a lot of problems.

If you have trouble making additional progress with debugging, please contact RI support.