Alerts and Notifications

Receive notifications about the status and results of your RIME projects and test runs.

Types of Notifications

Test Completion Notifications

  • Configured at the per-project level.

  • Can be configured for when a Stress Test completes running.

  • Can be configured for when a Continuous Test completes running.

Daily Digest Notifications

  • Configured at the per-project level.

  • Includes a summary of all Stress Test runs for the day.

  • Will not be sent if there are no Stress Tests for the day.

  • Notifications will be sent out every day at 8am in the timezone configured by the default workspace (initialized to UTC).

Configuring Notifications

How to Configure Email Notifications

  • Email Addresses can be added by clicking on the alerts icon on the Test Runs page for a particular project.

  • Currently, Gmail and Outlook are the only supported email clients.

  • Daily Digest Notifications are supported for RIME Production customers and RIME Cloud Trial customers.

    • RIME Enterprise customers will need to configure SMTP with their own server. SMTP settings live under workspace settings.

    • RIME Cloud Trial customers will receive emails from “”. Add this email address to your safe senders list to prevent it from going to spam.

How to Configure Slack Notifications

  1. Create a channel in Slack dedicated for RIME Email Notifications.

  2. Go to the selected Slack channel and open its Settings.

  3. Go to Integrations tab and click on the “Send Emails to this Channel” button to display the email address.

  4. Copy the email address.

  5. Once you copy the email address, you can add it to the list of email addresses configured to receive daily digests.

Now you have enabled Slack Notifications in RIME.