Data Configuration

Configuring a data source can be done by specifying a mapping in the main RIME JSON configuration file, under the data_info argument.

Stress Testing


    "data_info": {
        "ref_path": "path/to/ref.json",        (REQUIRED)
        "eval_path": "path/to/eval.json",      (REQUIRED)
        "load_path": "path/to/",    (OPTIONAL)


  • ref_path: string, required

    Path to reference data file. Please reference the CV file guide for a description of supported file formats.

  • eval_path: string, required

    Path to evaluation data file. Please reference the CV file guide for a description of supported file formats.

  • load_path: string, optional

    Path to python file which provides an image loading function. If this is not specified, the default image loading function is used. For more information on this function and what the default function is see here.