Tests Configuration

Each CV task supports its own unique set of RIME tests. To configure these tests, modify one of the example configurations provided in this guide and save it in a JSON file. Then, include the file’s path in the tests_config_path property of the RIME CLI config. Below is an overview of the global configuration properties shared by all tasks, followed by links to each task’s default testing suite.

Global Configuration Options

  • `categories`: List, default = []

    Test categories to run. Options include Abnormal Inputs, Drift, Subset Performance, and Transformations.

  • `run_default`: Optional[bool], default = null

    Whether to run default categories or not. Defaults to True if no categories are specified, False if any are. The default categories are Abnormal Inputs, Drift, Subset Performance and Transformations.

  • global_sample_size: int or null, default = null

    If an integer value is provided, override the sample_size argument for all tests requiring model inference at runtime (i.e., attacks and transformation tests).

Task-Specific Configuration Options

Below are detailed descriptions of the unique testing suite configurations for each supported CV task.