Prediction Cache Data Format

Supported File Formats

RIME NLP supports the same file formats for the prediction cache as it does for the input data, namely JSON (.json) and JSON lines (.jsonl) formats. Each prediction should be stored in its own dictionary in the json list or as a dictionary on its own line for JSONL files.

To use a prediction cache for a given test run, it is currently required that a prediction be present for every data point in the corresponding input data. For example, if a dataset is of size N, line i in the prediction cache should contain the model output for input example i in the dataset for every 0 <= i < N.

The data format for each prediction is similar to that for the input data, the only difference being the “text” and ground truth label keys for the NLP task are removed.

Text Classification

For the Text Classification task, each prediction is represented by a dictionary containing the following key-value pair:

      "probabilities": [0.02, 0.94, 0.04]                 (REQUIRED)
  • probabilities: List[float], required

    The model prediction for this data point. This should be a normalized vector of class probabilities, with a probability for each possible class.

Named Entity Recognition

For the Named Entity Recognition task, each prediction is represented by a dictionary containing the following key-value pair:

      "predicted_entities": [                         (REQUIRED)                 
        "mentions": [
            "start_offset": 7,
            "end_offset": 11
        "type": "ORG"
  • predicted_entities: List[dict], required

    The model predictions for this data point. This should be a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary corresponding to an entity. Each entity dictionary should have a ‘type’ key (specifying the type the entity is predicted to be) as well as a ‘mentions’ key which contains all the mentions predicted to refer to this entity. Each mention itself a dictionary with two keys: a ‘start_offset’ key and a ‘end offset’ key, which are both integers referring to the start and end of the mention in question. See the NLP Prediction Configuration reference for more on how to provide cached predictions.