AI Firewall Continuous Tests

Configuration of RIME AI Firewall Continuous Tests is done through a JSON configuration file that you pass as an argument to the RIME CLI.

Note: This is for the production version of Firewall Continuous Tests, where it is assumed you have already created a Firewall and are uploading the latest production data to it.


  "eval_path": ...,                       (REQUIRED)
  "timestamp_col": ...,                   (REQUIRED)
  "eval_pred_path" ...,


  • eval_path: string, required

    Path to evaluation data file.

  • timestamp_col: string, required

    Name of column in data that corresponds to timestamps. The timestamp should be specified as “YYYY-MM-DD” if it is a date or “”YYYY-MM-DD HH:TT:SS” if it is a date and time where YYYY is the year as a four digit number, MM is the month as a two digit number, DD is the day as a two digit number, HH is the hour as a two digit number, TT is the minute as a two digit number and SS is the second as a two digit number.

    The time period for each continuous testing run. Current accepted values are "day" and "hour".

  • eval_pred_path: string or null, default = null

    Path to a csv or parquet file containing the predictions on the evaluation dataset. This is how predictions are specified for multi-class models. If you specified this argument when running stress testing, you should also specify this when running continuous testing. Otherwise predictions are assumed to be stored under the same pred_col specified when running stress testing.