Configuring Runtime Information

A run_time_info object tells Robust Intelligence what system resources to use when running your test job.

By default, Robust Intelligence attempts to infer optimal values for the run_time_info settings. You should only opt for manually setting these parameters if you find that Robust Intelligence is not selecting appropriate values.

If you choose to set your run_time_info manually, you can set it in one of the following ways:

run_time_info object

Below, we show an example run_time_info object:

# values shown below are not defaults, but rather examples of how to specify configuration.
    "run_time_info": {
      "agent_id": "my_agent_id",
      "custom_image": {
        # either this:
        "custom_image": {
          "name": "my custom image name",
          "pull_secret": "my custom image pull secret",
        # or this:
        "managed_image_name": "my managed image name",
      "resource_request": {
        "ram_request_megabytes": 1,
        "cpu_request_millicores": 1,
      "explicit_errors": False,
      "random_seed": 5

Attributes of the run_time_info object

  • agent_id: string, default = the ID of the default agent for the workspace.

    The ID of the agent on which to run this job. If not specified, the job will run on the default agent for the workspace.

  • custom_image: dict, default = null

    Specifies a custom Docker image used by the job. In the outer custom_image dictionary, specify exactly one of managed_image_name or the inner custom_image dictionary. For more information on specifying custom images, see Running Tests on Managed Docker Images.

  • resource_request: dict, default = null

    The compute resources, such as RAM and CPU, that the job requires. If you leave this parameter unspecified, Robust Intelligence will attempt to infer the optimal values for your job.

    To learn more about memory and CPU settings, see Performance.

  • explicit_errors: boolean, default = False

    Specifies whether runtime errors that occur within Robust Intelligence tests will be explicitly raised, interrupting the entire test run. By default, this parameter is set to false, meaning that errors within a single test will not stop the test run.

  • random_seed: string, default = None

    Random seed (int64 encoded as a string) for the job to ensure deterministic results. If not specified, the random seed will not be set.