Hugging Face Datasets

RIME now offers a data provider that natively integrates with Hugging Face’s load_dataset API. To use this functionality, specify "type": "huggingface" in the data_info configuration arg and provide the target dataset tag.

Data Info Configuration

    "data_info": {
        "type": "huggingface",                      (REQUIRED)
        "dataset_uri": "path",                      (REQUIRED)
        "ref_split": "train",
        "eval_split": "test",
        "text_key": "text",
        "label_key":  "label",
        "eval_label_key": "label",
        "loading_params": {}


  • dataset_uri: string, required

    The path or name of the dataset.

  • ref_split: string, default = "train"

    The name of the split to use for the reference set.

  • eval_split: string, default = "test"

    The name of the split to use for the evaluation set.

  • text_key: string, default = "text"

    The name of the feature holding the input text.

  • label_key: string, default = "label"

    The name of the feature holding the classification label in the reference set. If null, assume labels are not provided for this dataset.

  • label_key: string or null, default = "label"

    The name of the feature holding the classification label in the evaluation set. If null, assume labels are not provided for this dataset.

  • loading_params: string or null, default = null

    Additional kwargs passed to load_dataset. This can help e.g., specify a dataset configuration name (if multiple are available.)