Hugging Face

RIME now support an API that downloads Hugging Face models by providing the Hugging Face Model’s URI. Currently, RIME supports Hugging Face NLP Classification Models.

Hugging Face Classification Model

    "model_info": {
        # In order to specify a Hugging Face classification model you need to specify a `model_info` with `"type": "huggingface_classification"`
        "type": "huggingface_classification",      (REQUIRED)
        # Specify the Hugging Face Model's URI.
        "model_uri": "path",                      (REQUIRED)
        "tokenizer_uri": null,
        "model_max_length": null,



  • model_uri: string, required

    The pretrained model name or path used to load a pretrained Hugging Face model from disk or from the model hub.

  • tokenizer_uri: string or null, default = null

    The pretrained tokenizer name or path used to load a the tokenizer from disk or from the model hub. If null, RIME defaults to loading from the provided model_uri.

  • model_max_length: int or null, default = null

    The maximum sequence length (in tokens) supported by the model. If null, RIME infers the maximum length from the pretrained model and tokenizer.