Data Profiling Configuration

RIME performs profiling of data in order to inform how its tests run. This involves inferring feature types, computing feature relationships, and restricting feature counts. RIME uses safe default values and flags exceptions for each parameter, so all these parameters are optional.


This configuration should be specified within the AI Stress Testing Configuration JSON file, under the data_profiling_info parameter.

    "data_profiling_info": {
        "epsilon_multiplier": 1.0,
        "min_integer_epsilon": 1,
        "min_nunique_for_numeric": 10,
        "numeric_violation_threshold": 0.01,
        "categorical_violation_threshold": 0.05, 
        "min_unique_prop": 0.99,
        "allow_float_unique": false,
        "infer_dist": true,
        "dist_max_sample_size": 10000,
        "num_quantiles": 1001,
        "num_feats_to_profile": null,
        "compute_feature_relationships": true,
        "compute_numeric_feature_relationships": false,
        "ignore_nan_for_feature_relationships": true,
        "class_names": null


  • epsilon_multiplier: float, default = 1.0

    Multiply std dev of column by this value to get epsilon. Defaults to 1. Epsilon is used in adversarial attacks to perturb numerical columns.

  • min_integer_epsilon: int, default = 1

    Minimum epsilon to use for integer columns.

  • min_nunique_for_numeric: int, default = 10

    Minimum number of unique values in column for it to be considered a numeric column, otherwise its considered categorical.

  • numeric_violation_threshold: float, default = 0.01,

    Maximum fraction of violations when assigning numeric columns (not including missing values).

  • categorical_violation_threshold: float, default = 0.05,

    Maximum fraction of violations when assigning categorical subtypes (not including missing values).

  • min_unique_prop: float, default = 0.99

    If data has at least min_unique_prop proportion of unique values then classify as a column that must have unique values.

  • allow_float_unique: bool, default = False

    Allow float columns to be inferred as unique.

  • infer_dist: bool, default = True

    Whether to infer distribution for a parametric distribution for the column, either of the values (if numeric) or of string length (if string).

  • dist_max_sample_size: int, default = 10000

    Maximum samples to use to infer the distribution of values in a column.

  • num_quantiles: int, default = 1001

    The number of quantiles to store for numerical columns.

  • num_feats_to_profile: int or null, default = null

    Number of features to profile for smart feature sampling.

  • compute_feature_relationships: bool, default = True

    Whether to compute feature relationships.

  • compute_numeric_feature_relationships: bool, default = False

    Whether to compute feature relationships for discretized numeric columns.

  • ignore_nan_for_feature_relationships: bool, default = True

    Whether to ignore nan when computing feature relationships.

  • class_name: List[str] or null, default = null

    Optional list of label class names (in label order). For classification tasks only.