Model Profiling Configuration

RIME performs some profiling of the model in order to inform which tests to run.
This can take some time, depending on the size of the dataset, so we provide some options to control this.
By default, RIME will attempt to infer an optimal value for all of these options, so only use these parameters if you think RIME is not selecting appropriate values.


This configuration should be specified within the AI Stress Testing Configuration JSON file, under the model_profiling_info parameter.

  "model_profiling_info": {
    "nrows_for_summary": null,
    "nrows_for_feature_importance": null,
    "feature_importance_config": {
       "path": "path/to/feature/importance.csv",
       "feature_imp_column": "featureImportance",
       "feature_name_column": "featureName"
    "num_calib_bins": 10,
    "impact_metric": null,
    "drift_impact_metric": null,
    "metric_configs": {...}


  • nrows_for_summary: int or null, default = null

    The number of rows to use for calculating summary metrics of model. You may want to specify a smaller amount if making calls to your model takes a while.

  • nrows_for_feature_importance: int or null, default = null

    The number of rows to use when calculating feature importance of the model. You may want to specify a smaller amount if making calls to your model takes a while. If a feature importance config is provided, this will be ignored.

  • feature_importance_config: mapping or null, default = null

    If you want to provide information about feature importance, you should specify that here. The value of this key should be another dictionary with the following key value pairs:

    • path: str

      Path to csv or parquet file containing feature importance information, should be relative to mount_dirs/data subdirectory.

    • feature_imp_column: str

      Name of the column in this csv that corresponds to feature importance values.

    • feature_name_column: str

      Name of the column in this csv that corresponds to feature name.

  • num_calib_bins: int, default = 10

    The number of bins to use when computing the calibration curve for a binary classification model.

  • impact_metric: MetricName or null, default = null

    The metric to use when computing model impact for abnormal input and transformation tests.

  • drift_impact_metric: MetricName or null, default = null

    The metric to use when computing model impact for drift tests.

  • metric_configs: mapping or null, default = null

    The parameters to configure each metric used during testing. For instance, to configure NDCG to accumulate only to a specific rank k=50, specify {"normalized_discounted_cumulative_gain": {"k": 50}}.